Luna Point Hypnosis  & Astrology llc

“Your sacred space is where you can find yourself, again and again.”

-Joseph Campbell

Luna Point Home

Welcome to your Inner Journey back to your Source!

Luna Point provides a safe space to transform and transcend the inner conditioning that keeps us anxious, separate and stuck, facilitating a return journey back to the source of your inner inspiration and hope. Through experiential transformation, profound shifts occur at both subconscious and superconscious levels. This means that you, the client, will internally experience the shifts, influenced no longer by prior external conditioning, but by your innate wisdom and inner guidance.

Why is this So Important?

When our prior conditioning results in the pattern of making one unconscious choice after the next, the continuance of our habitual behaviors, addictions, unhealthy relationship patterns, and self-limiting beliefs about our abilities can let our fears and anxiety continue to run our lives. We can then become lost and insecure about who we really are and what our purpose can be.

The evolution of your Soul and the discovery of your True Self are waiting!

What’s Possible?

Once we face the inner conditioning that resides deep within the Subconscious and begin to release stuck energy and emotions at a deeper level, the transformation happens and we can now hear the voice of our Higher Selves; always ready to provide wisdom and guidance.

I witness this time and time again with my treasured clients in our transformational sessions together.

You can experience this too!

Meet Sarah

Sarah Clodius, owner and operator of Luna Point LLC, is an N.G.H. Certified Hypnotherapist, Certified Soul Regression Therapist, Life Coach, and Evolutionary Astrologer. She has special certifications in Integrative Breathwork, Past Life and Between Lives Soul Regression, and is a Past Life Regression Trainer.

  • Hypnotherapy

    Travel into the Subconscious Mind and the vast territory of our deeper emotions, long-term memories, imagination, unconscious beliefs and patterns of behavior.

  • Life Coaching

    Receive powerful questioning and communication techniques to discover and clarify your core values. Utilize an accountability partner to support you in achieving your goals.

  • Evolutionary Astrology

    Receive a map of your Archetypal Mind and wisdom teachings that help you to use your personality signatures for evolutionary growth and potential.

  • Packaged Programs

    This is the most popular service and the best way to experience the full journey here at Luna Point. Offered in 10, 15, or 20 hour increments.

    This is also the best way to receive discounted services!

Psycho-Spiritual Journeying

  • Past Life Regression

    Release the karma that has ripened for healing within your mental, emotional, and physical body.

  • HigherMind Hypnosis

    Receive guidance and wisdom from the higher self and the superconscious mind with Ultra Height Hypnosis.

  • Between Lives Spiritual Regression

    An inner journey to the other side to understand aspects about yourself that can only be shown from the spirit realm.

Individual Services

  • Intro to Hypnosis (1 Hour)

    Intro to Coaching (1 Hour)

    **Discovery Session (2 Hours) Most Popular Intro Session

    Higher Mind Hypnosis (2 Hours)

    Past Life Regression (3 Hours)

    Between Lives Soul Regression (4 Hours)

  • -Intro to the Birth Chart (2 Hours)

    -The Birthday Reading: Solar Return and the Solar Arcs

    -Transits and Progressions (2 Hours)

    -Love and Relationship Synastry (3 Hours)

  • *10 Hour Program Package

    *15 Hour Program Package

    *20 Hour Program Package

    This is the most popular option for my clients who are serious about personal growth and transformation. A packaged option is the best way to be guided through the process, enjoy a multitude of services, and receive the best discounts!

  • Sarah Clodius is in collaboration with Heather Keys of Hypno Heather to offer Age Regression and Past Life Regression Training. Stay tuned for 2024 dates and offers!

    Integrative Breathwork Immersions are available and posted for 2024! You can learn more about Breathwork through the lead facilitator, Deborah Jacobson’s website, at

The Space


“Sarah is a wonderful healer who puts her clients needs first. Her voice just leads you into a safe space where you can really do the work. Mentally, I feel more focused on my future goals than I ever have before. Emotionally, I feel like I can stand on my own two feet again.”

Renee H.

“We come in seeking guidance and answers to life. We come in a little unsure but open. And then Sarah takes us through a journey, incredibly supportive and very knowledgeable. She has been the shining light in a tunnel of uncertainty in the infancy of my spiritual awakening. I left our time together realizing she helped to change my life in a such a deep and meaningful way!”